Emergency Information » Emergency Information (English)

Emergency Information (English)

In the event that the District initiates an Emergency School Closing, Delayed Opening, or Early Dismissal, your best source of notification will be our Blackboard Connect Notification System. It is extremely important that you take a moment to ensure that the schools have your updated and accurate phone information (i.e., home phone numbers, work numbers, and cell numbers).

Emergency School Closings:
  1. Everyone in our Blackboard Connect System can anticipate an alert.

  2. We will always post emergency announcements on our website at www.ridgefieldschools.com.

Delayed Openings:

  1. Announcements of delayed openings follow the same process as emergency closings and will include a statement that all schools will begin at 10:00 AM.

  2. Please note that a delayed opening can become an emergency closing if conditions do not improve or if they worsen.

Early Dismissals:

  1. Announcements of early dismissal will also be sent via our Blackboard Connect System.

  2. In an early dismissal schools will close as follows:

    • Shaler Academy: 12:25 PM Bergen Boulevard: 12:35 PM

    • Slocum Skewes: 12:15 PM Ridgefield Memorial High School: 12:18 PM

  3. Building principals will be responsible for the supervision of all students until they are picked up.

NOTE: During early dismissals, there will be no afterschool or evening programs.

Please be respectful of time and resources during emergency situations and use the above resources to secure the information that you need rather than calling the Board of Education or the Police Department.