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RMHS: 201-945-4455; LeeAnn Papadoupalos, RN, MA, NJ-CSN
Slocum Skewes: 201-943-4299;  Margaret Caruso, LPN
Bergen Boulevard: 201-943-1861; Tatiana Sabet, RN 
Shaler Academy: 201-313-2476; Stella Jeon, RN, BSN, NJ-CSN

The Certified School Nurse is a health services professional who assists students, families, and staff in attaining and maintaining optimal health and healthy attitudes. Certified School Nurses strengthen and facilitate the educational process by improving and protecting the health status of children and staff, and by identifying and assisting in the removal or modification of health-related barriers to the learning process (School Health Guidelines 2001).



RMHS:  201-945-4455

Slocum Skewes: 201-943-4299

Bergen Boulevard: 201-943-1861

Shaler Academy: 201-313-2476

Emergency Information Form: (Contact Verification Form)

  • Parents/guardians are asked to provide work and cell numbers and at least two local telephone numbers of people who will be responsible for your child when a parent/guardian is not available.
  • Do not list persons who are working, unable to drive, or are unavailable during school hours.
  • Please notify the school nurse or main office immediately of any change of information.

Attendance Policy:

  • Parents are requested to communicate with the school by telephone or other means to inform the school nurse the morning of each absence unless other arrangements have been made prior.
  • Please report absences to the school nurse (messages can be left prior to school hours on nurse's answering machine).
  • In the event the nurse is not notified, the absence shall be reported to the parents by telephone or the Automated system.
  • In the event of planned absences for personal reasons, a letter should be sent prior to the absence to the attention of the school nurse.
  • Please familiarize yourself with the Ridgefield Public Schools attendance policy - a few key points to mention
  • Parent/Guardian will be regularly notified of cumulative absences for each half-year 
  • A pupil with less than 150 days of attendance will not be promoted to the next grade level

Medication Policy:

  • All medications, including over-the-counter meds, (Advil, Tylenol, Motrin, cough medicines, skin creams, etc.) and inhalers require a written order from a licensed physician stating the name of the medication, diagnosis, dose, time to dispense, how often to give and any side effects.
  • Medication forms are available online via the page under Health Office Tab or in the health office.
  • All medication must be delivered by an adult in the original prescription bottle with the proper label. Pills can be easily misplaced or lost and picked up by another student. An extra small prescription bottle can usually be obtained from your pharmacist for school use.
  • All medication is to be picked up at the end of the school year by an adult.

Self-Administration of Inhalers/ Epipens:

  • NJ state law allows students to carry medication and self-medicate only for life-threatening conditions, i.e. asthma, insect sting and food allergies.
  • Permission to self-medicate must be updated annually by the parent and the physician.
  • Asthma Treatment Plans and Medication Form for Allergic Reactions are available online via the Ridgefield Schools page under Health Office tab or in the health office.
  • A parent may request in writing a gym excuse for a student up to three days for a medical problem that does not appear to require a physician's care. Otherwise, a physician's note is required for such an excuse.

Clearance to Return to School

  • If your child is returning to school with an injury, obtain a note from the physician for the absence.
  • A physician's note is required for use of crutches in school. It must clearly state that the student is allowed on crutches in school and on the bus (if riding the bus) and the duration of time needed.
  • A physician's note is required for casts, arm slings, air splints and finger splints. The note must state the nature of the injury, any limitations and restrictions and the dates the student is to be excused from physical education and recess activities.


  • If your child has symptoms of illness during the previous night, consider making arrangements for your child to remain at home.
  • Extra rest and attention early will often shorten the illness and cut down the spreading of germs at school.
  • Please remember our best defense against germs is good hand washing.
  • Please encourage your child to wash their hands often with warm water and soap.

Some guidelines for when you should consider keeping your child home from school:

  1. Fever of 100.0 degrees or higher. Your child must be fever-free for 24 hours without medication before returning. Please do not treat a fever and send your child to school.
  2. Persistent coughing could be disruptive to the class.
  3. Vomiting and diarrhea within the past 24 hours shall remain home.
  4. Cold or runny nose if nasal discharge is excessive and/or not clear.
  5. Unexplained rashes, sores, and crusty, inflamed eyes or other signs of contagious problems cannot remain at school.
  6. Sore throat – If you are awaiting strep throat results, please keep your child home until results have been obtained. Positive results must be on antibiotics for a full 24 hours and must remain home for 24 hours. Please obtain a physician's note for your child's absence.
If your child has been sent home from school because of illness, please make sure they are completely recovered before sending them back.

Sending a child to school that is not in optimal health, not only endangers the health of all others they come in contact with but also increases the susceptibility to whatever illnesses they may be exposed too.

lnjury/Illness Policy: When a child is injured or taken ill at school, the following procedure shall be followed:

  1. First Aid treatment is administered.
  2. The parent/guardian listed on the emergency form shall be notified.
  3. The parent/guardian will be requested to come for the student or arrange other transportation.
  4. If no parent is available, the emergency contacts listed will be notified to assume temporary care in your absence. Students will not be able to remain in the health office all day.


Name School Phone Number Email
LeAnn Papadoupalos RN,MA, NJ-CSN Ridgefield Memorial High School 201-945-4455 Ext. 2030 [email protected]
Stella Jeon RN, BSN, CSN Shaler Academy 201-313-2483 Ext. 5030 [email protected]
Tatiana Sabet, RN Bergen Boulevard 201-943-1861 Ext. 4012 [email protected]
Margaret Caruso, RN Slocum Skewes School 201-943-4299 Ext 3031 [email protected]